Sunday, July 16, 2006


I have posted here many of the photos scanned by Bill Shafer Jr. The best way to locate a photo you are interested in is to perform a search on the page (using the Control-F command or by going to the edit tab and selecting Find). Also, I would first recommended clicking on the July 2006 archive link, as this will display all of the pictures posted on this blog.

Please feel free to comment and share any information you may have.

The following is the Forward to the Shafer-Faurschou-Family Pictures, written by Bill Shafer, Jr. on November 12, 2000.

Dear Family: I first started this project with Judd - Asay pictures but soon realized that some of the Shafer - Faurschou pictures I had might be of interest to some Shafer descendants, many of whom were common with some Judd descendants, so I expanded the initial effort to make most of my Shafer - Fourschou pictures available to the rest of the family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim Thank you. This is great. I see you have some pictures that I don't so that is exciting. I think the posting is great. I also see that there may be some picture description that I need to update because I have ID some after I made the CD's. Perhaps, the most important one is the picture ID as Phillip Krenrich and Charlotte Shafer. I now believe, but can't prove that the picture is likely that of John Schafer and Charlotte Huprich. This is the picture Bob Krenrick had labled or was labeled Krenrick's?, Some of Henry Shafer's descendants have identified the picture as Grandpa and Grandma Smith while others have indentified the picture as that of John and Charlotte Shafer. Bill Shafer

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Charlotte Kjeldsen said...

Can I get permission to use some of your pictures on my website

Charlotte Kjeldsen

11:47 PM  

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